Thursday, April 14, 2011

Looking out my window...

I work with mentally ill adults and here recently my job has become more challanging than I could have ever imagined it. Each day I coem to work and think I wonder what the day will bring.  These stories vary from "My boyfriend gave me an STD" to "I need to find housing and get out of the shelter".  These are all adults who have not been dealt the best hand in life and need assistance to remain out of jail, shelters, or the psychiatric hospital.  Some days I feel super rewarded with the assistance I have provided someone or when you see someone reach a goal they have set and they are so excited to share that with you.  The past three weeks however; I have felt like everyday I am being drained....AND JUST FROM ONE PERSON.  My newest resident  calls me between 6-12 times daily and always things that his needs are far more than anyone else's.  It just makes me realize how fortunate I am with all that I have, and even with the things that I struggle with, it is nothing like what my clients deal with day to day.

From my office window however; I am often, even daily, surprised with what I see.  One day it was a occupied hoover round towing another occupied hoover round.  I guess that is what you need if yours breaks down?? Or the day that I thought was a Jerry Springer episode being taped where these two girls got into a fight then one hit the ex-boyfriend with her car and he went flying!  (Im guessing he was an ex, or at least he is now).  And then she hit a bush.  Some days, like today, I will see possibly prostitutes walking down the street.  It always provides me entertainment and again, fortunate to be where I am!

very blurry.....but HooverRound in Tow

I have gone back into hiding on my dating site.  I contact people that I feel I may have something in common with.  Most I will admit do not live in this area, but do live within 2 hours.  That may be ok to date.  I went for drinks this week with Pugle.  We had great conversation and the next day asked me via text message "so did you think that I was hot, cute, attractive, or OMG".  What an ackward question to ask.  My response "obviously I found you attractive or I would not have agreed to go out again". I am not sure that he liked that response, but really at this point and time in my life and at my age I realize that looks are not everything.  I also want someone with similar interests and someone who is kind and nice, and wants to be with me. I should have seen red flags with The Realtor when his profile said things like:

"You aint wants to pass me up is you knows what im sayin"

and when asked about what his ideal first date would be his response:

"Unlike former President George W. I'm not the decider. Your choice Wendy's or Burger King!!"

Really...I know better! Or at least I should have, but I guess that is all part of the wonderful world they call dating!!

This weekend while doing yard work, putting down mulch, and mowing I stepped in you guessed it...DOG POO. My street has a lot of brick walls that are flush with the sidewalk limiting "green area" for dogs to do their business...until they get to my yard.  It really upsets me that my neighbors find it acceptable for their dogs to leave their POO in my yard for me to step in or slip on when I am mowing the grass.  So as a result the following sign will be placed most tackily in my yard:

And YES I will be paying closer attention too!!

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. That Realtor sounds like a real loser; don't worry the right one will come along in God's perfect timing. It will come when you stop looking, that is when you are truly ready.
